
Safeguarding at Endocare

EndoCare Diagnostics have in place a policy for both Adults and Children which sets out our approach to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of vulnerable patients and the public, ensuring that EndoCare Diagnostics has a suitable safeguarding framework in place, enables us to achieve the following:

  • That we protect and promote a person's right to live in safety and to ensure that they are free from abuse and neglect
  • That we give Patients as much control as possible and help them make informed choices
  • That we help people develop resilience and maintain independence based on and including all aspects of the individual's wellbeing as well as their safety

EndoCare Diagnostics have three designated safeguarding adults and Children leads and have all been trained via an accredited organisation to ensure they have achieved Safeguarding level 4, Staff Members are:

  • Elaine Graham Head Of Nursing and Quality Assurance
  • Dr Ahmed Dawood MBBS FRCP, Consultant Gastroenterologist  
  • Dr Waqar Ahmed - MBBS MD FRCP, Consultant Gastroenterologist

If you would like to raise any safeguarding issues, please use the following contact details in confidence

0161 243 2100

Download Adult's Safeguarding Poilcy
Download Children's Safeguarding Poilcy
Local GM SafeGuarding Board Contact Information
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Direct access capacity for patients presenting in primary care with the need for urgent diagnostic endoscopy.

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